About us

Greetings, Fellow Explorers of the News Universe!

I’m Mohd Arif, the voice and soul behind Social Online News, and I’m delighted to have you on board for this exciting journey.

Let’s keep it real—I’m not your traditional journalist with a passion for untangling the stories that shape our world. Whether you’re sipping chai in my hometown or adventuring beyond borders, this space is crafted just for you.

Social Online News is more than a website; it’s a cosy digital nook where news and storytelling collide in the most human way possible. Why? Because news is not just information—it’s a conversation, a connection, a shared experience.

Here, we’re not chasing after headlines; we’re diving into the heart of stories that matter. Trends, insights, and a sprinkle of my blogger charm—all served up in a human tone that makes you feel right at home.

So, why join us on this digital escapade? Social Online News is not just a website; it’s a community of curious minds, and you’re a crucial part of it.

Thanks for being here, and here’s to discovering the world, one story at a time!

Warm regards,
Mohd Arif